Display the laser fire count in Unity UI
1 min readJun 6, 2021
The exercise here demonstrates changing the text of the Text element in a UI placed in the Unity game.
Before going further into this, please go through the article here.
The process is extremely simple and shall not take more than 5 minutes to implement.
- Since the fire count variable is already set, it could be used to change the text upon the condition of empty ammo as well as real-time ammo count by passing it to the text.
- The count variable is an integer but the text element needs a string and hence, we need to convert the int to a string using the ToString( ) method.
- Concatenate to have a denominator displayed with the live count.
if (_totalLaserFired < 15)
_noAmmoText.GetComponent<Text>().text = _totalLaserFired.ToString() + "/15"; // Updates text to current count of fired lasers.
- Now, add the else part that swaps the text from ammo count to “No Ammo”.
_noAmmoText.GetComponent<Text>().text = "No Ammo"; // Changes the text to No Ammo.
That should be it.
Here is the final result :)
Thank you very much